While women's history month is officially winding down, I am still interviewing some amazing women that I hope you will enjoy meeting and learning a bit about.
This next phenomenal woman and I go WAAAYYY back! We met in middle school and have remained friends for forty years! Wow. I dated myself a little huh? It's alright because God is allowing us to age very well (wink).
Dionne McKinney was born and raised in Dayton, OH by way of Trotwood - our home town! She is currently a resident of Columbus, OH and has been for 27 years. She is a newlywed and they have 2 fur babies named Halo and Harley.
Let me introduce you to Dionne while she shares some of her story:
Me: Why do you think it's important to celebrate Women's History Month?
Dionne: Women's History Month is an opportunity to celebrate the phenomenal contributions women have made to this world. And it is also a wonderful time to remind ourselves why we are "Super Sheros".
Me: What woman in history has influenced your life the most?
Dionne: What first comes to mind is that there is not just one woman that has influenced my life. Many women have had a profound effect on my life being that my mother passed away when I was twelve. And I believe each of the women have contributed significantly to who I am today. But the most impactful woman would have to be my grandmother, Dorothy.
Me: What is your profession and why did you choose it? OR did it choose you?
Dionne: My profession is as an HR Director for a health care company. This profession definitely chose me. My background is in finance and accounting but because I have a passion for people I was led into the HR field where I can coach, teach and help others on a daily basis.
I am a phenomenal woman because God made me uniquely me. -Dionne M.
Me: What impact would you like to have on women's history? And what story do you want people to look back and tell about you?
Dionne: The impact I would like to have on women's history is being considered a positive influence and role model that inspired and helped to change other's lives. The story that I would like people to tell about me is that I was always willing to help others and saw some good in everyone.
Me: What are some of your favorite things?
Dionne: Travel and food. I love everything about food - cooking, tasting, and making pretty food presentations. I love chef TV shows. And of course, helping people.
Me: Name one fun fact about yourself that most people may not know.
Dionne: I have my motorcycle license. I have an alter ego that really likes to have fun!
Me: Why are you a phenomenal woman?
Dionne: I am a phenomenal woman because God made me uniquely me. And my authenticity and compassion for others further demonstrates this.
Me: Describe yourself in ONE word.
Coach Dionne's parting message is this: Everyday is an opportunity to live up to our fullest potential. In spite of life's obstacles, don't stop trying to be the best person you can be.
See, I told you she has a passion for people!
Love and blessings,